Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Best of My "Best Of"

This is the second year that I've been invited to contribute to Florida Weekly's annual "Best Of" edition.  Last year it was kind of nerve-wracking.  I was new to the whole writing thing and definitely not used to putting together a piece (even a 75 word ditty) on any sort of deadline.  It was fun, though, and the day I put in my 2012 submissions, I started thinking about this year's edition.  Which of my blog experiences could be converted to a blurb?  Is this sign funny enough to warrant a mention?  How can I get a bit of press for the things I particularly love in the area?   The result was 17 entries in the 2013 edition!  Here are a few of my (unedited) favorites:

Best of Show:  Catherine Lucas learned about the Faces and Figures National Exhibit being hosted by the Visual Arts Center in Punta Gorda just one day before the submission deadline.  (Ironically, Catherine—who lives in Naples—heard about the show from a friend in Texas.)   Catherine quickly pulled together her online submission for “Prima Materia” and hit the “send” button.  Five weeks later, Catherine was at the VAC awards reception collecting her first place ribbon and check for $2000.    She gamely posed with her nude self-portrait for members of the press who wanted to protect their readers’ Victorian sensibilities.    

Best Place for One Stop Shopping (4549 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte):  Where else can you celebrate making bail by getting some tattoo art of that special someone and a body piercing to boot?  And people in Punta Gorda say it’s not worth making a trip over the bridge!       

Best Budding Yogi:  It’s no surprise that nine month old Maya Yonker came out of the womb doing yoga.  After all, mom Bonnie owns the Yoga Sanctuary in Punta Gorda and taught classes almost up to the day she gave birth.  While Maya’s showing great aptitude for lots of postures, her best one of all is “happy baby.” 

Best New Moniker (Punta Gorda Pathways):  Punta Gorda prides itself on its 15+ miles of bike and pedestrian trails that encircle the city.   But “Ring Around the City” just wasn’t doing its job as a name .  What ring?  What city?  And doesn’t it make you think of that ’70s TV commercial for Wisk?  So the City Council solicited ideas for a new name.   Suggestions included “Punta Gorda Invites You to Walk All Over Us,” “Trabue Trail,” and “K-MURT” (“MURT” is an acronym for multi-use recreational trail).  After much consideration, the Council settled on “Punta Gorda Pathways.”   Whatever you call it, this system of pathways is one thing that makes Punta Gorda such a special place.   

For the complete 2013 Florida Weekly "Best Of" edition, you can click here and go to page 66.   For a "bonus" article, flip to page 36 for my repurposed blog entry on Solomon's Castle entitled "Exploring the Re-Purposeful Life of Solomon and his Castle."  (I have to admit that this was quite thrilling, especially with the teaser on the front page of the Arts section "Nanette Crist takes a tour of Solomon's Castle."   I know, my bar for being thrilled is set a little low, but I'll take it where I can get it!)  

Let me know if you come across something weird and wonderful that warrants mention in the 2014 "Best Of" edition.  I've already started my list!  

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed participating in this year's best of. I particularly enjoyed the planning meeting at Jack's. I'm already thinking about the 2014 offerings. I have a great one in mind for best place for a pot luck before heading to the theater. LOL!


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